Friday, January 23, 2009

The Seventh Day Adventist Church started the Creationist Movement

In my Systematics and Behavioral Ecology class, I was presented with a paper published in a BBC (British Broadcasting Company) publication. It was about the theory of evolution and Charles Darwin. During the discussion it mentioned the fact that the Seventh-day Adventist Church started the creationist movement. I was shocked. I was like there is no way that we did that. About a hundred years ago we were no more than a drop of water in the ocean compared to say the Baptists, Methodists, or Catholics. So I must say I was skeptical of this Brit's report that we were the founders of the creationist movement. Furthermore, I have never heard us make this claim and it seems to me to be a good thing to say to other people about our church.
But this one statement by Ellen White kept coming to my mind as I thought of SDA's and their relationship to the Creationist movement, "Had the Sabbath always been sacredly observed, there could never have been an atheist or an idolater. {PP 336.1}" So maybe we did...

So I did a little research and it appears to be true in many respects. George Mcready Price a Canadian adventist school teacher wrote a pamphlet and some books on Geology declaring that a flood caused all the fossilization that we see today. Unfortunately some of Price's statements were not all substantiated by lab science. Price was consulted by William Jennings Bryan in the Scopes trial. His pamphlet was read by many in different faiths. His work eventually led to the founding of several creationist oragnizations. One of them is our own GeoScience Institute.

The quote begs a second go round, " "Had the Sabbath always been sacredly observed, there could never have been an atheist or an idolater. {PP 336.1}"

2 comments: said...

I don't know much about the history of the connection between Seventh Day Adventists and the creationist movement, but I believe that anyone who keeps the seventh day Sabbath from a motive of faith has a strong advantage in understanding God's creation and the fallacy of evolution.

Evolution is based on an attitude of active hostility towards God. I am not talking about those who believe in God and also believe in some kind of evolution, perhaps a kind of "evolution" guided by God or permitted by God as His way of creating life. I am talking about the hard-core evolutionists who are materialists and allow no consideration of supernatural intervention in physical processes, ever. Those are the ones who control the evolutionist agenda in the public schools, government, media, and science.

I wrote an article on why evolution cannot be proved, and I have debated the issue with evolutionists in my own blog and theirs, and if you pin them down, they admit that the real reason they believe in evolution is that they think that belief in God is ridiculous. You can't reason with these people, except that by discussing the issue you can sometimes pin them down and make them admit their vehement hostility towards belief in God.

The reason evolution cannot be proved is that the scientific method actually prevents science from proving evolution.

Anyone who keeps the seventh-day Sabbath out of respect for God's Word cannot be hostile to God and is able to see the flaws in the theory of evolution. But the evolutionist's bias against God blinds him to those flaws. He believes in evolution because he has no choice if he is to hold to his belief that there is no God.

Jen said...

good quote. thanks for sharing