!!!! what! no detailed description of the unique thoughts of thomson mason paris as these events were transpiring?? hope its soon to come because that's going to be one interesting blog.
when i get this paper written for history i'll try to post a owl-handcuff blog too :D
Hmmm... to the average observer, not much. However :) I heard quite the tale last night which convinces me that owls and handcuffs do indeed have a lot in common. I'm sorry for your little misadventure and I'm glad you guys are alright :)
ROFL... I read Christy's blog on your criminal owl activity, and I made the mistake of reading in the library. I had to go outside I was laughing so hard.
Good thing I wasnt along...I would have cracked up laughing and they would have probably shot me! lol
looking forward to your account of owls and handcuffs...please don't disapoint your audience...next time PLEASE get permission! Thank God he kept you safe, maybe the 5th was sitting on the trigger happy policemen's trigger. An angel?
See, even your mom wants you to post another DETAILED owl/handcuff blog. And as we learned in the younger group's Bible study today at the evangelistic series: "CHILDREN, OBEY YOUR PARENTS IN THE LORD, FOR THIS IS RIGHT"
!!!! what! no detailed description of the unique thoughts of thomson mason paris as these events were transpiring?? hope its soon to come because that's going to be one interesting blog.
when i get this paper written for history i'll try to post a owl-handcuff blog too :D
Hmmm... to the average observer, not much. However :) I heard quite the tale last night which convinces me that owls and handcuffs do indeed have a lot in common. I'm sorry for your little misadventure and I'm glad you guys are alright :)
ROFL... I read Christy's blog on your criminal owl activity, and I made the mistake of reading in the library. I had to go outside I was laughing so hard.
Good thing I wasnt along...I would have cracked up laughing and they would have probably shot me! lol
hahaaha. sounding bird calls out of your car! wish i could have video taped that!
looking forward to your account of owls and handcuffs...please don't disapoint your audience...next time PLEASE get permission! Thank God he kept you safe, maybe the 5th was sitting on the trigger happy policemen's trigger. An angel?
whoops, I meant to say trigger happy policemen's gun!!!
See, even your mom wants you to post another DETAILED owl/handcuff blog. And as we learned in the younger group's Bible study today at the evangelistic series: "CHILDREN, OBEY YOUR PARENTS IN THE LORD, FOR THIS IS RIGHT"
....do I hear "TIME"?
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